I read the post titled "My Personal Commentary: U.S. Government" on the Political Awareness blog concerning the topic of abortion. I agree with the statement that abortion is not a subject to be taken lightly, because issues should never be taken lightly when human life is involved. I also agree that certain regulations and limitations should be enforced as far as abortion is concerned, because I was raised in a more conservative home and taught to respect the sanctity of an unborn baby's life. That having been said, I think the argument about abortion being permissable for the first two trimesters is wrong, because drawing a line about when exactly a fetus can be counted as an actual life seems stupid to me. It does not seem rational to say that at one month a baby's life is insignificant, but all of a sudden becomes significant a few months later. I do, however, see the reasoning behind abortion in certain cases, such as rape, where a woman was an innocent victim with no say in the matter, or in cases where the woman's health is at risk. Lastly, I think the argument made in the post about Obama winning due to his support of gay marriage and abortion is a weak one. There were many other factors that contributed to Obama's election that were just as, if not more, important than gay marriage and abortion. Obviously, abortion is a very controversial topic and will most likely continue to be a debated issue for a long time.